Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development


PRODUCT was launched in 2001 (printed-only) by Professor Fernando Antônio Forcellini (UFSC, Brazil) as Editor-in-chief, and Professor Nelson Back (UFSC, Brazil), Henrique Rozenfeld (USP, Brazil) and Lin Chih Cheng (UFMG, Brazil) as Associate Editors. The IGDP thanks the Editors-in-chief who followed them in subsequent years. Professors José Carlos de Toledo (UFSCar. Brazil) and Mario Orestes Aguirre Gonzales (UFRN, Brazil) for their inestimable contribution to PRODUCT.

PRODUCT implements a backup policy to protect against data loss. The onsite full server backups provide disaster recovery options to help protect against data loss or corruption. Onsite backups are run daily and retained for 7 days by default.



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