Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development


Volume 3, Issue 2, 2005

3(2), 2005

Original Article

An introduction to the reference model for the agricultural machinery development process Leonardo Nabaes Romano, Nelson Back, André Ogliari, Vinícius Kaster Marini
Organizational learning in the context of product development management Marcelo Ruy, Dário Henrique Alliprandini
A metric system for feature and cost control during product development Márcia Elisa Echeveste, José Luis Duarte Ribeiro, Michel Jose Anzanello
Evaluation of the real use of formal methodologies in the product development process in brazilian SMEs Paulo Carlos Kaminski, Antonio Carlos de Oliveira, Tiago Marques Lopes
Modularity in product development: a literature review towards a research agenda Paulo Augusto Cauchick Miguel
Application of system dynamics to simulations of product development process management activities José Carlos de Toledo, Celso Souza Junior


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