Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Modeling the “AS-IS” product development process: lessons learned from a practical experience in the aerospace industry

Claudiano Sales Araújo, Leonardo Bastos de Toledo, Luiz Alberto Gentil Mendes, Sérgio Grassetto Teixeira Cunha

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In this article we summarize the experience of regional jet aircraft manufacturer Embraer AS in its recent effort to model its Integrated Product Development (IPD) process. Given the distinctive nature of Product Development in relation to well behaved processes such as manufacturing, finance, etc (where traditional modeling notations and techniques are largely applicable), a specific context based modeling approach had to be developed and implemented in this project, and form the scope of this article. Of special interest are the lessons learned, and insights gathered, during the project. This article is therefore placed as a practical contribution both to other industries involved in PD process modeling, as well as to researchers interested in the subject of PD process modeling.


product development, process modeling, reengineering, engineering design, DIP, IPD,
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