Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Proposal and application of a model for analysis of knowledge management in the product development process

Fernanda Menezes Ferrari, José Carlos de Toledo

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The aim of this paper is to propose a model to the analysis of the Knowledge Management in the product development processes (PDP). The tendency of growing economy globalization, the increase of products diversity and the decrease in the life cycle of these products in the market made the Product Development Process (PDP) turn into an important source of competitive advantage. To give power to this process, it’s necessary to managing a important resource: the knowledge. It’s in the context of the search of a more structured knowledge management in the PDP that the described model in this article is proposed. The contents, the process, the infrastructure and the Knowledge Management principles (essential elements of this model) are already present in the product development process and what guides the model for analysis here proposed is the awareness of this existence and, with this, improve the power of this management. The model is applied through a case study in the PDP of an automotive supplier company.


knowledge management, product development process, model
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