Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Creativity techniques: a systematic literature review

Kleidson Daniel Medeiros Leopoldino, Mario Orestes Aguirre González, Paula de Oliveira Ferreira, José Raeudo Pereira, Marcus Eduardo Costa Souto

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Creativity techniques are one-off tools that can be used to induce the creative potential of an individual or a group of individuals for the purpose of solving problems or generating ideas in the development of new products and services. In this article, a mapping of the scientific production about the techniques of creativity was carried out in 56 scientific publications, from the search metabase Portal of Periodical Capes and Google Scholar. After analyzing the publications, we found 120 creative techniques described in the literature. Among the techniques identified, the one with the highest prevalence of citations was Brainwriting, followed by Brainstorming and Synectics. The United States, Germany and the United Kingdom concentrate the world scientific production with 70% of the publications on the subject. Regarding the methodological approach of the studies, 63% are classified as qualitative, 29% as quali-quantitative and 10% as quantitative. It was verified that more research is needed to investigate the applicability of these tools, besides the critical factors that allow the induction of the creative potential of the participants.


systematic review, creativity techniques, non-spontaneous creativity, collective creativity.
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