Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Studies of patents in biotechnological areas: empirical study on technological alerts to product development process and academic institutes

Eduardo Gomes Salgado, Fábio de Oliveira Neves

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In Brazil only 50% of research and development activities in the technological alert study (alert system on certain patents depositors for different themes) of stem cells, biodiesel, nanotechnology and nano-biotechnology are fulfilled within the country by individuals, public institutions and national companies. In biotechnology, an area of knowledge well closer to the basic research, it is expected even a greater participation of the public sector. This study aims to make a quantitative study of the areas mention above, linking the patent applications by Brazilian State, in addition to make a comparison between universities with biotechnology courses or related field with these companies, and companies which practice the product development process (PDP). The data was raised in 5 institutions. The universities were responsible for the largest number of patents between Jan. /2008 to Feb. /2010. In São Paulo State has concentrated the greatest number of patent applications, with 51% of technological alert deposits. The Nanotechnology and Biodiesel patents predominated largely over others, reaching 51% and 38% respectively of the total deposits for the period and in the product development process.


biotechnology; patent’s deposits; technological alert; product development process
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