Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Research Article

Productizing methods and tools for innovation management and entrepreneurship: a process proposal

Ricardo Neres Rodrigues; Ari Rodrigues Pinto da Silva Júnior; Marina Bastos Carvalhais Barroso; Raoni Barros Bagno

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Management Methods and Tools (MaTs) are artifacts that assist decision-makers in organizations and have a unique role in innovation and technology-based entrepreneurship. Such a context is characterized by uncertainties and risks that make processes complex and dynamic. The positive impact of adopting MaTs in organizations is well documented in the literature. However, MaTs for innovation and entrepreneurship constitute a myriad of options today, and managers often face the tricky challenge of selecting MaTs properly and implementing them in fruitful ways. In this context, productizing MaTs emerges as a promising path. Productization is the process of analyzing a need, defining, and combining elements to obtain something replicable and understandable, which can be adopted as a "product". Guided by the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, this article develops and discusses a proposal for the productization of MaTs for innovation and entrepreneurship. The study is based on the actual demand of a research network focused on developing and applying MaTs by innovation intermediaries, such as technology parks. The proposed process advances the agenda of disseminating MaTs to potential adopters, fostering more informed applications and positive organizational impacts. It also contributes to the emerging debate on the productization of MaTs from an academic perspective in contexts of high uncertainty and risk, characteristic of innovative companies.


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