Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Research Article

A preliminary strategy framework for an academic technology center

Daniel Martins Teixeira; Arthur Oliveira Alves; Jonathan Simões Freitas; Raoni Barros Bagno

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Academic Technology Centers (ATCs) have been attracting increasing attention from scholars and practitioners due to their central role in fostering innovation in complex fields, particularly those based on hard sciences. ATCs are semi-autonomous university arms intended to conduct a portfolio of collaborative R&D Projects and offer services in high-specialized technology fields in the context of University-Industry partnerships. Their operations bear on market-driven development of research-based, cutting-edge technologies, which may culminate in technology transfer to established companies or even new ventures. However, despite such importance, strategizing for ATCs is challenging since business and management literature is highly biased to companies' business contexts. The present study outlines the development of strategic guidelines for an emerging Biotechnology Academic Technology Center with high innovative potential within a Brazilian University. By examining the current state of business planning and strategic management literature in academic settings, we investigate auxiliary methods as an intersecting domain to anchor the analysis. The study scrutinizes the distinct aspects of the context encompassing this particular ATC and strives to adapt a strategic planning approach to support the institution's path. As a result, we offer an adaptable roadmap tool with macro itineraries and influence factors for the context of the case analyzed.


strategic planning, university-industry partnerships, academic technology center.


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