Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Research Article

Serious games as social innovation tools

Marion Litaiff Azize Gomes, Célia Maria da Silva Carvalho, Augusto César Barreto Rocha

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Serious games are games with specific purposes that go beyond entertainment and are utilized for a wide range of purposes. This article sought to investigate whether serious games can conceptually be considered as social innovation tools and be used to achieve social innovation goals based on studies surrounding both subjects. A two-phase research was carried out, the first being a literature review of qualitative nature of publications that characterized the subjects around serious games and social innovation, and the second being an investigation of four existing serious games to evaluate whether the link between both subjects could be found in real cases. The study allowed the creation of a table identifying in the serious games different social innovation reoccurring themes gathered in the first phase of the research. The results also suggest that the concepts and objectives of serious games and social innovation have many correlations, such as both being considered creative strategies to present solutions to minimize social problems, social innovation being a broader concept that encompasses different methods, and serious games being considered one of them. Therefore, it was concluded that serious games indeed can be considered tools for social innovation, answering the main question of the article.


serious games, social innovation, social impact.


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