Industrial Property in pandemic times: the Brazilian panorama of requests for protection of pandemic-related products projects at National Institute of Industrial Property
Diogo Pontes Costa, Ruan Eduardo Carneiro Lucas, Diego de Castro Fettermann, Carmen Elena Martinez Riascos, Eugenio Andrés Díaz Merino
The Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) imposed unexpected demands on society, intensifying the development of new products projects that sought to mitigate the contamination risks. It was possible to identify a series of projects aiming for the protection of the people, especially for those inserted in hospital environments to fight COVID-19. Therefore, the present article aims to identify the Brazilian overview of applications for Patents and Industrial Designs related to aid and protect the people, during the year of 2020, registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property, limited to protective equipment, medical equipment and furniture. To meet the proposed objectives, a bibliographic research was carried out, with a quantitative and theoretical approach, along with an exploratory and descriptive objective; regarding the methodological procedures, the model of Systematic Review was used 20 patent registrations and 22 industrial design registrations were identified. It was possible to observe that there is a diversity of classes of products and that the largest number of projects is related to facial protection, providing greater technical knowledge for the creation and development of similar projects. It was also found a predominance of projects from individuals and from private institutions, that the South and Southeast regions registered more protection requests, and that the inventors were mostly from the areas of Engineering, Medicine, and Design.
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