Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Research Article

The potential of design to build freedoms: a case study of design for sustainability in a scavengers association

Mariana Fonseca Braga, Eduardo Romeiro Filho

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This paper presents a case study conducted at ASMARE (Paper, Cardboard and Reusable Material Collectors Association), in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. ASMARE is a “scavengers” association that screens recyclable waste to sell it to recycling companies. The purpose of this study is to analyse the potential of the current practices of one sector of this organization, the Carpentry Factory, for sustainability. The Carpentry Factory enables workers to design and manufacture products from reused and recycled materials. This research demonstrated that fostering creative, design- and art-related capabilities can improve the results in terms of profitability and sustainability, adding value to the organization activities and outcomes, hence to the work of ASMARE members.


product design, ASMARE carpentry factory, sustainability


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