Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development


Milton Borsato, Daniel Capaldo Amaral, Janaina Mascarenhas

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With great contentment, and at the same time concern, in 2019 we were given the task of running the PMD journal as editors. The journal was launched in 2001 (printedonly) with the proposal to be the most relevant scientific communication channel in Brazil in the area of Product Development Management, uniting productive sectors and academia. A very important legacy has been passed on to us and, with it, the responsibility not only to preserve it but also to insert it into a broader context of innovation and multidisciplinarity

There is no need to question the importance of innovation today. It has assumed a central role in society and, as a result, has become one of the hot topics in virtually all academic communities. The outcome has been the growth in academic communication vehicles in the area of innovation with multidisciplinary characteristics.

This is very good news for the area. In fact, as these journals are further examined in detail, it is possible to recognize they have scopes aimed at a certain level of analysis (Macro, Micro, or Technical Level), which also favors disciplines more aligned to such levels. For example, some journals focus on macro aspects, discussing issues such as innovation policies and national innovation systems, while others promote discussions on the “shop floor” of innovation: methods, techniques, software, focused on the micro and technical level.

We have also noticed an increasing recognition by researchers about the importance of better understanding the interface between these levels and, for that, expanding the richness of the analyzes with greater multidisciplinarity. This is the way to build theories that can explain innovation more fully and increase the efficiency of organizations and also the policies and institutional environment of innovation.

This will only be possible when we understand the concept of transdisciplinarity, which challenges the organizational and academic structures that have always favored so-called knowledge silos. PMD has changed. It has changed to emphasize the search for knowledge for innovation in all its perspectives. From an operational perspective, it continues to propose methods and tools for the development of new products and services; from a tactical perspective, it presents itself as a forum for discussing good practices in organizations and their arrangements; and from a strategic perspective, it allows innovation ecosystems to be defined and sought, in the form of entrepreneurship, promotion, and collaboration.

In the search for new paths, as publishers, we encourage the publication of research results that can investigate aspects at the interface between the different levels of analysis. And also articles originally combining theories of different disciplines, to generate original analyzes on the theme of innovation. We will also be looking for a debate as wide as possible, attracting researchers from the most different fields of knowledge to form a community sufficiently diversified in its formation, to face this challenge. Building on the legacy of the PMD magazine, which in the past was a pioneer in bringing together researchers from the fields of management, design, engineering, and politics.

The new editorial orientation will strengthen another important legacy of the journal: the firm belief of open knowledge. The magazine was a pioneer on the Internet with totally open content and in English, at a time when scientific journals were closed and open platforms like DOAJ (created in 2003) were still starting. IGDP’s belief in free knowledge and for all is in the DNA of the PMD and will be maintained and expanded, with new policies in which the articles will be supported by the authors and so that we can increase the quality of the edition and dissemination of the magazine’s material.

To face this challenge, it would be natural for the PMD to seek internationalization. And we are pleased to present a new subtitle for PMD: An International Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Innovation. The term reflects the updated scope of the journal, but that would not be enough. The formation of a new Editorial Board that represents the world community of researchers and innovation professionals was necessary. And it is with great joy that we present this new group that volunteered, already thanking the expression of support from each one of these professionals who understood the mission of the PMD.

PMD intends to take the lead as a relevant journal for the academic and corporate worlds. Therefore, we, as editors, must follow the necessary steps in search of indexing on important scientific bases, as well as aiming at impact indicators that bring visibility to the works published here. It is the task that presents itself at the moment. For that, we count on the contribution of all, either in the form of submission of their works or in their careful review.

We wish health and perseverance to all!

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