Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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Fast fashion model product development system: a case study in a brazilian shirt manufacturing

Flávia Nunes Ferreira, Eduardo Romeiro Filho

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The clothing industry has gone through different scenarios in the last decades and, along with technological revolutions and the advent of the internet, fashion has become more ephemeral, with the emergence of a new retail business model denominated “fast fashion”. This is a set of strategies for rapid product development and production that contemplate the eminent fashion trends, adopted by the growing number of companies in Brazil, where a formalized product development methodologies or models is almost nonexistent. In addition, the application of fast fashion by the Brazilian industry has been little studied and the organization of its Product Development System (PDS) is still not widespread. In view of this situation, this paper aims to evaluate the fast fashion business model in a Brazilian industry, elaborated through a literature review on the model and methods of development of fashion products, in addition to a case study in a medium-sized men’s shirt industry.


product development system, fast fashion, clothing industry.


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