Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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Test planning based on ontological models constructed from product usage profiles

Lucas Barboza Zattar Paganin, Milton Borsato, Juliana Schmidt, Augusto Domingos, Roberto Shigueru Sato

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Design for Reliability (DfR) is such an approach that can be referred as a set of activities that attempts to ensure the reliability of a product throughout all stages of its lifecycle. Recent research works on the subject, as well as common practices by industry, have revealed no cases of implementation of DfR in the initial stages of new product development, such as the definition of test plans based on product usage profiles. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to elaborate a method, based on an ontological model, that allows the determination of the most appropriate test plan, by considering usage characteristics of products. In order to develop this method, the Design Science Research methodological framework was used. Achieved results show that the proposed solution is an efficient and easy-to-use method, which potentially improves product reliability throughout the product lifecycle.


design for reliability, new product development, test planning, ontology, product lifecycle.


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