Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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How to develop IoT products: a technology company case study

Diego de Castro Fettermann, Eduardo Alves Kloppel, Caroline Gobbo Sá Cavalcante, Marianne Costa Avalone, Lynceo Falavigna Braghirolli

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The implementation of Product Development Processes (PDP) is an approach for systematizing the innovation process in companies. Given the trend of autonomous connectivity and information processing, with the controlled performance of products promoted by the Internet of Things, it has become increasingly necessary to study how companies should adapt their PDP to develop smart products. Hence, the purpose of this study is to compare a theoretical IoT product development model to a model currently in practice by a technology company. The results indicate that the company’s experience has adherence to the theoretic IoT product development proposals, performing most of the activities recommended by the literature. Among the activities considered critical for IoT Product Development, the results revealed a great difficulty for the company to implement product monitoring actions. Although the literature suggests a large scope of possibilities on monitoring products performance, in this company, the implementation of product monitoring systems is still on an inception stage.


new product development, internet of things, practices.


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