Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

CREATION: creativity techniques to generate ideas of new products

Marcela Fernandes, Mario González

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This article aims to propose a new creativity technique to generate ideas for new products. The research method is characterized as action research due to the participation of researchers within the problem situation. The proposed technique, which was named CREATION – Clarify and explicit the context of the development, Relate about creativity and innovation, Explain the generation of words and elements, Apply and communicate the first word, Think fast the next words, Interpret and choose the words, Organize the words to construct ideas, Now expose the ideas – was conceived through interventions in organizations that manufacture handicraft products. For the application of the technique a dynamic that takes into account three phases is required to be used: Planning, Implementation and Analysis. During the application of the technique about 30 ideas have been generated, all considered new, in six sessions of the pilot test interventions in artisan communities.


creativity, technique, generation of ideas


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