Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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The role of DFMEA in the integration between product development and quality engineering: cases in large companies

Fernanda Campos Bueno, José Carlos de Toledo, Sérgio Luis da Silva

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The increasing trend of product recalls is due to quality implications in the early stages of the Product Development Process (PDP) and could be prevented through preventive measures from the quality management system such as Design Failure Modes Analysis and Effects (DFMEA), one of the main tools of Quality Engineering. Besides the quality of products, functional integration is also considered one of the ways in which companies respond to competitive pressures. Thus, in the search for best practices to organize and manage product development, this article aims to examine the role of DFMEA in the context of functional integration between Product Development (PD) and Quality Engineering (QE) through case studies in two Brazilian industrial companies. The companies differ in the physical proximity between these departments, where one case PD and QE are co-located and the other are located in different cities and states. The results point that the use of integration practices such as Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and co-location during a DFMEA and despite the advancement of ICTs, co-location has indicated that it is a relevant mechanism to improve problem solving, due to the detail of the information and dynamism of the discussion meetings of failures and solutions. In addition, companies link the compensation system of employees to the failure rates of the new product in the market and the costs of non-quality boosting communication and collaboration between teams. In one of the cases, the integration is also facilitated by the PD and QE activities and the DFMEA reports are reported to the same manager.


product development, quality engineering, functional integration, DFMEA


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