Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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Requirements management methods: does the literature need an update?

Carina Campese, Janaina Mascarenhas Hornos da Costa

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There are many models of Product Development Process in the literature. Although these models have different phases, all activities must be formally managed through methods and requirements management processes. Such methods are cited in several sources in the literature, but there is still a lack of application of them in Brazilian companies. This may be due to the lack of information on these methods, such as their step-by-step, examples and objectives. Thus, this study aims to analyze the methods of requirements management through content analysis (that followed three main phases: preparation, organising and reporting), highlighting the methods focused on User-Centered Design (a trend approach), helping in the choice of application of the methods by companies. From this analysis, it is concluded that the literature still lacks more detail on the application of the requirements management methods, as well as a greater attention to the user-oriented methods.


requirements management, user-centred design, product development process


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