Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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The effort of “Triple Helix” actors in disruptive technologies

Sanderson César Macêdo Barbalho, Leandro Burba, Adriana Regina Martin

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Disruptive technologies are areas of technology capable of creating abrupt changes in the market, creating new economic arena and alter the way of life in our society. In this scope, it is of great importance to perform an investigation related to the technologies and its top players that will possibly play a protagonist role in the main evolutions and changes in our society in the next few years. Understand the dynamics of technology innovation in disruptive areas can bring light on current effort made by private and public sectors, and specially the timeframe for launching new products in market. In this context, this contribution seek to present and discuss the current conjuncture of R&D in a group of technologies considered currently as disruptive for the next two decades. The focus of the work is to analyse the distribution of technology production in these areas in a context of university-industry-government relation, using the concepts of “triple helix”. For this purpose, we present statistical data of patents related to the investigated technology areas, and an analysis try to understand the motivation behind R&D in disruptive technologies, and what is the relationship among the triple helix actors in this innovative process.


disruptive technologies, triple helix, technology plan, research and development.


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