Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

The Front-Hub of Innovation: updating the classic Fuzzy Front-End to the new approaches of innovation management

Maicon Gouvea de Oliveira, Raoni Barros Bagno, Glauco Henrique de Sousa Mendes, Henrique Rozenfeld, Paulo Tromboni de Souza Nascimento

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There are new drivers concerning the study of innovation being intensively discussed in practice and literature. However, the debate on Fuzzy Front End, hereafter called the Front-End of Innovation (FEI), has not started to address these new drivers yet, maintaining its concepts somewhat static with regards to the innovation field. This paper discusses how the innovation forms (e.g. process, marketing) introduced by new approaches such as business model innovations, design thinking and product-service systems affect the perspectives of classic front-end concepts. As a result of this investigation, a new approach for dealing with the early stages of innovation – The Front-Hub of Innovation (FHI) – is proposed to embrace new forms of innovation other than the traditional product innovation and aimed at supporting the development of value-oriented innovations. The proposal of FHI is described through four dimensions: value creation, organization, process and people.


fuzzy front end, front and of innovation, front hub of innovation, innovation management, innovation tools.


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