Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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The perspective of ergonomics in the design of work situations using computational tools: case in a plastic film manufacturing plant

Andréa Regina Martins Fontes, Daniel Braatz, João Eduardo Azevedo Ramos da Silva, Rosane Ferreira, Nilton Luiz Menegon

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Simulation supports are intermediary objects that help in anticipating the behavior of production systems are important in designs that involve Ergonomics Work Analysis (EWA) method and Future Activity Analysis (FAA) approach. The objective is to describe the process of transformation design of a productive situation using three areas of study: Ergonomics, Simulation and Plant Layout Design. The focus is on the application of intermediary objects during the design process. This article involves a reflective practice of a single case study in which the activity-centered ergonomics approach was employed in the design of productive situations. The described case took place at a plastic film roll manufacturing plant. In this work were used the computational techniques and tools for the design of productive situations: Computer Aided Design, Digital Human Modeling and Simulation, Discrete Event Simulation and Game Engine. The use of these intermediary objects potentially reduces the time spent on design, makes better use of investment resources, contributes to an understanding of current and future capacity, and provides ergonomic improvements of the work situation for future users. The integration of different intermediate objects at the perspective of ergonomics, like digital human simulation, discrete event simulation and game engine can contribute to simulate future work in the design process.


ergonomics, workspace design, simulation, intermediary objects.


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