Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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Benefits of the empathy map method and the satisfaction of a company with its application in the development of concepts for a white glue tube

Carina Campese, Camila Alejandra Leon Vanegas, Janaina Mascarenhas Hornos da Costa

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User-centered design (UCD) can be understood as a philosophy, a process, or even an approach, that has the objective to increase the consideration of user needs in the design process. In particular, an empathy map is a UCD method that seeks the definition of a user profile and user needs. Because the method is gaining importance in the literature and in applications to perform services and design products, we report on an application of the empathy map method and evaluate its usefulness. The empathy map was applied by 25 trainees in a controlled experiment in the concept phase for a white glue tube design process, in a partnership with a company that produces office supplies. The method helped in many aspects, mainly in organizing the information collected and understanding the user. Both the students and the company were satisfied with the results that the method provided.


user centred design, empathy map, UCD methods, persona, user involvement


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