Innovative contribution of subsidiaries to the parent company: a hypothesis about the relationship between an aerospace company and its subsidiary in Belo Horizonte
Bárbara Rangel de Carvalho Braga de Mendonça, Karla Rocha Liboreiro, Luana Lott Alves, Celso Yukio Nakashima, Eduardo Romeiro Filho
This article presents how the subsidiaries can contribute to the generation of innovation in an aerospace company in a decentralized model. From the analyzed innovation network oriented by the Multinational corporation strategies were identified nine factors that favor the use of the subsidiary. The method consists of a qualitative case study carried out in a subsidiary of the aerospace sector with operations in Belo Horizonte. In order to confirm or refute the elaboration of the hypothesis about the use and contribution of CETE Belo Horizonte to the aerospace company’s innovation process, the interview results are shown in association to the listed concepts, highlighting the critical points between the parent-subsidiary relationship.
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