Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Web platform for casting process selection

Juliana Ilha Zimmermann, Danielle Bond, Régis Kovacs Scalice

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The choice of the right process for casting components is a complex activity that directly impacts on the product’s design and manufacturing. A single failure in the casting process selection can increase design and production time and, in critical cases, result in a collapse of the manufacturing and assembly of components. In this context, our goal is to adapt a previously developed method for casting process selection into a Web platform to aid the casting process selection. The adopted selection method uses Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Design for Manufacturing (DFM) principles to provide a structure to support casting selection decision based on part features and process demands. The proposed software was developed for the Web using HTML and JavaScript, providing better usability than the previously proposed selection method format using spreadsheets. For validation, ferrous and nonferrous cast parts were analyzed using the proposed Web platform. The results showed a good relation to other methods, also providing a quantitative classification (prioritization) of the results. In addition, this software supports the design of the manufacturing process by means of a checklist to adapt the part to the metal casting process presented to the designer.


casting process, process selection, web platform, quality function deployment, design for manufacturing


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