Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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Innovation opportunities focusing design for sustainability: an ecodesign strategy wheel application

Anderson Gomes Ferreira, Bárbara Rangel de Carvalho Braga de Mendonça, Dimitri Bassani Santos Neves, Rafael Mizerani Couto Moreira, Eduardo Romeiro Filho

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The use of laptops computers is increasing and this model surpassed the desktop computer as the most popular of the personal computer market. On the extended use situations, the laptop can causes ergonomic issues, and the use of an adjustable table is demanded to raise the screen to the user eye-line height in order to alleviate this problem. The manufacturing of the laptop stand causes environmental impact, still requiring the production of other complementary peripherals for the stand to be effective. this paper describes a simplified LCA - Life Cycle Assessment linked to an ESW - Ecodesign Strategy Wheel method application highlighted a great opportunity of innovation during the evaluation of the manufacturing process of the UpTable portable laptop stand, providing solutions for both the ergonomic issue and the environmental sustainability. Proposed manufacturing process eliminates the peripherals redundancy and promotes economy of supplies with no prejudice to the portability that characterizes the device, reducing the environmental impact during the manufacturing process, utilization and discharge of the product.


laptop stand, life cycle analysis, sustainability and innovation, Green manufacturing.


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