Understanding the interaction between actors in the product-service system development
Lílian Salgueiro Azevedo, José Carlos de Toledo, Mario Orestes Aguirre González
The objective of this paper is to understand the interaction flow between actors from a customer company and with external actors, mainly with the provider company, when developing a Product-Service System offering. This understanding is useful for companies, because it allows them to identify and analyse how these interactions are managed and transformed into PSS requirements that can be used for designing and developing a PSS. A review of the mapping methods was done, and the Actor’s and System Maps showed to be the most appropriate, since they have a clear PSS perspective. The research method used in this research was the case study and the semi-structured interview was used for data collect. The study was developed through the case study of a telecom company, which buys a PSS offering. The conclusion is that after creating the categories for the information flows, it was possible to analyse the information and to identify, e.g. omitted information and non-optimal distance between actors, which can affect the PSS development.
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