Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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Design Structure Matrix and Project Management: bibliometric analysis

Isabela Neto Piccirillo, Luis Fernando Magnanini de Almeida, Luciano Queiroz de Araújo Júnior, Sergio Luis da Silva

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The Design Structure Matrix (DSM), also called dependency structures matrix has been used in different areas. DSM has advantages like simplicity and it can organize the flow of data. Therefore, an area that DSM brings some important benefits is in project management. This tool can identify the cycle that iteration occurs, it also can minimize some revisions that are unnecessary, which accelerates the deliveries. The objective of this paper is to do a bibliometric analysis that focuses on identifying the most co-cited papers about DSM literature (only journals) that is connected with project management. The result shows that DSM can be used with different approaches like traditional, hybrid or agile project management


DSM, design structure matrix, project management, bibliometric analysis


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