Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Research Article

Class-Activity-Status model for object-oriented ontology construction supporting domain knowledge integration to achieve business-IT alignment

Min-Hua Chao, Amy J. C. Trappey

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Enterprises are investing in digital transformation, hoping to create convenience and high values toward system-based product and service provisions in the paradigm of smart manufacturing. The achievement of digital transformation is not just the adoption of digital technologies, but information systems’ agility and dynamic capabilities. This research proposes a domain knowledge integration method to achieve business-IT alignment (BITA), complying with the reality and essence of business activities analyzed and synthesized from object-oriented perspectives. The four characteristics of objectoriented ontology (OOO), i.e., essentiality, interpretability, stability, and incompleteness, provide critical directions for detecting the gaps between knowledge and reality. This study also deploys the unified modeling language-based (UMLbased) Class-Activity-Status (CAS) model as a communication language for expressing diverse enterprise realities by standardizing basic principles. The knowledge integration ability of the proposed methodology is shown by implementing the CAS model for manufacturing bill-of-materials (MBOM) domain knowledge. The proposed OOO characteristics (as the mindset), CAS model (as the modeling tool), and the theoretical MBOM domain modeling example have shown great novelty and implication of the transdisciplinary nature of manufacturing service philosophy, domain knowledge engineering, and digital technology integration.


digital transformation, knowledge engineering (KE), object-oriented ontology (OOO), business-IT alignment (BITA)


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