Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Portland cement: an application of life cycle assessment

Elbert Muller Nigri, Sonia Denise Ferreira Rocha, Eduardo Romeiro Filho

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This paper presents an application of the Life Cycle Assessment – LCA, which is an evaluative tool of the environmental impacts generated throughout the life cycle of a product and its results. The analysis shows that during the life cycle of Portland Cement; the industrial process harms to the environment, where the greenhouse effect, which is caused by the combustion of fossil fuels, was highlighted; there is air contamination by heavy metals due to the mining activities; and smog caused by the emissions of particulate matter. The current production and consumption model is an example of a situation that, in the near future, could culminate with the end of natural resources and a complete change in the world’s environment. This situation can be avoided associating conscientious consumption and sustainable production. In order to modify the production system and its products, it is necessary to identify the most harmful production steps to the environment.


life cycle assessment, Portland cement, environment aware, productive system.
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