Concept and development of an evolutionary platform for collaborative engineering work
Régis Kovacs Scalice, Leonardo D. V. Ribeiro, Daniel Capaldo Amaral, Godfried Augenbroe, Henrique Rozenfeld
Product, vol.4, n2, p.55-67, 2006
This paper presents an evolutionary concept developed as part of a specific collaborative engineering platform to support the commercialization of engineering services. This concept establishes a pattern for continuously adapting the platform to a variety of situations and specific user needs, product characteristics and industrial sectors. The AEC and Mechanical sectors were chosen for the initial focus of the platform. Based on three real cases of collaboration in these industrial sectors, the development of the concept is underpinned by a reference business process and workflow technologies. This paper discusses the concept and presents the initial portfolio of collaborative workflows. The platform has been implemented and tested.
CSCW, e-engineering, collaborative engineering, workflow, product development process