Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Teaching product development based on the concept of integration scenarios: evaluation and guidelines for application

Sanderson César Macêdo Barbalho, Daniel Capaldo Amaral, Henrique Rozenfeld

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Integration scenario is an educational tool for product development qualification that was built in an attempt to overcome the difficulty of transmitting the relationship among concepts and the product development process itself using traditional teaching methods. Based on scenario proposal instructors can to use learning by doing and customized teaching techniques to qualify people on product development process. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the results of evaluations applied at the end of courses that used scenario concept. A total of 10 courses were evaluated utilizing average and standard deviation concepts. As a result of this analysis, several considerations are presented regarding the proposal of scenarios, guidelines for applying the concept, and directions for future research. In summary, the scenario method can be succesful used in courses whose main purpose is to describe the product development process or to demonstrate how the various product development concepts and techniques relate to each other. The complete scenario is not a tool recommended for in-depth teaching of specific product development techniques or methods. Addictionally, discussions should be center as much as possible on the script when the target public is composed of experienced professionals and on expository techniques with beginners.


Product Development Process, Teaching Techniques, Integration Scenario
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